

Thousands of hours of simulation testing, statistical analysis, mathematical modeling, and other types of scientific research and data analysis. Analysis and evaluation are at the core of our decision-making. We use a quantitative strategy for all of our trading. Each strategy is also extensively developed and tested for several months.

  • Portfolio management
    • Direct investment (not tracker funds) into shares from the NYSE.
    • Artificial intelligence uses 30 factors to decide, adjust and balance the portfolio.
    • Dividend focus boosts returns, allowing us to outperform the index considerably.
  • Options trading
    • Options – daily and weekly trades on US and EU indexes and shares.
    • 25 years of experience in options, derivatives, volatility, and trading.
  • Currency hedging
    • Investment managers apply currency strategies based on arbitrage, breakthrough techniques, and pair correlations.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Thomas A. Edison

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